Louder Than Words: Take Your Career from Average to Exceptional with the Hidden Power of Nonverbal Intelligence

Louder Than Words: Take Your Career from Average to Exceptional with the Hidden Power of Nonverbal Intelligence
NT $ 875


  《FBI 教你讀心術》暢銷作者全新升級版鉅作,帶你邁向事業高峰!


  本書《Louder Than Words》告訴你,職場致勝其實一點都不難,也無須浪費銀兩,只要從細部著手:一張沙發、一句合宜的回答、恰當的空間安排、簡單的手勢…甚至是一台碎紙機!就能幫你成就大事業。

  作者喬.納瓦羅(Joe Navarro) 是資歷三十年的前聯邦調查局(FBI) 反情報官員,歷任美國國務部、國防部,是公認的非言語行為專家,他現在還在擔任美國國安部的顧問,以及在情報局擔任破解肢體語言的專家。他的舊作《FBI ?你讀心術》提到人們肢體語言的秘密,大受全球讀者歡迎。而前作沒多做著墨的職場情境,全都在新書《Louder Than Words》巨細靡遺地呈現出來。



  - 建立良好的第一印象:善用不同場景、座位、手勢掌握主導權,產生影響力。

  - 判斷傳遞錯誤訊息的習慣:從咬指甲這類小動作、不合宜的穿著,到電子介面使用習慣,瞭解對方為人及習性。

  - 意識到文化及性別差異:從握手到個人空間喜好如人與人間的距離、站立位置,做出最因地制宜的反應。

  - 運用「感覺」為你及你的事業加分:人們做選擇常受到「感覺」左右,比方說今天選擇在某家商場或跟某位銷售員購物,可能是因為這家店或人予你「良好的感覺」。你將在本書中學習到,將自我良好的「形象」發揮到淋漓盡致的途徑,並能深深體會表現平庸及頂尖的差異。


  International bestselling author and behavior expert Joe Navarro helps you successfully navigate the business world by understanding what your boss and coworkers are really thinking.

  Why is it that some people have all the elements of success—education, skills, integrity, motivation—but can't seem to move from effectiveness to excellence in their careers? Behavior expert Joe Navarro reveals the long-sought answer. Louder Than Words teaches how to master nonverbal intelligence, the ability to interpret and use nonverbal signals—in poker terms, "tells"—in business to assess and influence others.

  Drawing on his decades in the behavioral sciences, Navarro shows how to use his simple yet powerful "comfort/discomfort" model to decode what's really being said at meetings, interviews, negotiations, presentations, business meals, and more, including the casual exchanges that often impact decisions and reputations.

  Jump-start your career as you discover how to:

  Read body language to understand what clients, coworkers, interviewers, or interviewees are thinking, feeling, or intending, and discern nonverbal cues of concern, disagreement, or doubt—even over the phone

  Master the all-important first impression and use settings, seating, and gestures to inspire and captivate

  Recognize habits that send the wrong message, from nail biting to wearing inappropriate attire—and see what posture, work practices, workspaces, and even electronic habits say about people

  Become culturally aware and gender-sensitive, from best handshake practices to personal space preferences

  Learn what the "comfort dividend" can do for you and your business

  Explore how the concept of "curbside appeal" applies to you and your business, and can mean the difference between average and exceptional

  Use Louder Than Words to close the deal, keep your customers, secure new ones, and lead your company with confidence. For job seekers looking to stand out from the pack, this book is your get-back-to-work bible.


Joe Navarro

  Joe Navarro is the author of the popular books What Every Body Is Saying and Phil Hellmuth Presents Read 'Em and Reap. For twenty-five years he was an FBI counterintelligence special agent and supervisor specializing in nonverbal communications. He lectures internationally and consults with Fortune 500 companies, as well as the FBI, the U.S. State Department, and other members of the intelligence community. He frequently appears on major media such as Hardball with Chris Matthews, the Today show, the CBS Early Show, CNN, and Fox News. He lives in Tampa, Florida.

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