R to L (Japanese Style). A Cold Day in Hell...D.S. has finally emerged from Hell, only to fall right into the chaos of a battle between the Demon God Konron and the Four Great Seraphs.
The "Arm of Angels" is trapped, frozen in Absolute Hell, and the Angels are faced with an attack from the center of the galaxy by the newly resurrected Satan. Despite their best efforts, the
Angels cannot thwart Konron, and D.S.'s attempt to serve as a "live shield" between humans and Konron only results in a beheading! Caught in a double-pronged offensive of Demons and Angels,
does humanity have any hope of deliverance from complete annihilation?! In a postapocalyptic world of heavy metal fantasy, the only thing able to save humans from orcs, lizard men, and other
monsters is something even MORE evil. Sealed within a 14-year-old boy, the chaotic wizard Dark Schneider is unleashed to fight four mighty generals and their plot to resurrect on evil god!