Of interest to scholars and graduate students of medieval art history, this collection of nine essays presents new approaches and interpretations to Romanesque sculpture, written by well-known
scholars in the field. Essays include: Thomas E.A. Dale (U. of Wisconsin-Madison) on the 12th-century visual experience with regard to the figure of Lust on the portal at Moissac; Ilene Forsyth
(emerita, U. of Michigan) on the dating of the same portal; John Williams (emeritus, U. of Pittsburgh) surveys the history of scholarship of Spanish Romanesque sculpture; and Dorothy Glass
(emerita, U. of Buffalo) discusses interpretations of Romanesque sculpture in Italy. The volume is well-illustrated with b&w plates of the best quality. Distributed in North America by The
David Brown Book Co. Annotation 穢2011 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)