Ordinarily Well: The Case for Antidepressants
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All the Rage: A Quest
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The Handbook of Forensic Rorschach Assessment
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Mental Health and Wellbeing Through Schools: The way forward
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The Rewired Brain: Free Yourself of Negative Behaviors and Release Your Best Self
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Reconsidering the Verbal-nonverbal Divide in Psychoanalysis: Theoretical and Clinical Applications of Language Research
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Prozak Diaries: Psychiatry and Generational Memory in Iran
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Player Safety: The NFL, Head Injuries and Suicides
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Mental Health and Wellbeing Through Schools: The Way Forward
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Coaching at Work: Facilitating Learning and Development
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Multi-Family Therapy for Eating Disorders: My Family Is Back
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Nonlinear Psychoanalysis: Notes from Forty Years of Chaos and Complexity Theory
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Transformational Resilience: How Building Human Resilience to Climate Disruption can Safeguard Society and Increase Wellbeing
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Fake It ’til You Make It
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The Relational Body: Mother-Daughter Attachments and Pornography
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Nonlinear Psychoanalysis: Notes from Forty Years of Chaos and Complexity Theory
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Prozak Diaries: Psychiatry and Generational Memory in Iran
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Development, Motivation, and the Work of Silvan Tomkins
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Andy Warhol Was a Hoarder: Inside the Minds of History’s Great Personalities
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An Introduction to Third Wave Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies