Before Piaget's day, and even for some time afterward, many developmental psychologists assumed children's understanding of reality could be expressed as the sum of the number of words they
acquired. In contrast, Piaget found the process to be much more systematic and complex, and included major differences in perception and communication between children and adults. This edition,
which was originally published in London and New York by Routledge in 1997, includes a comprehensive preface by Jean Piaget Archives Director Jacques Von癡che along with the facsimile of the
Routledge and Kegan Paul, Ltd. editions of 1929 and 1951. The preface ably explains the provenance of the text and the psychological contexts of Piaget's work on realism, including Piaget's
revolutionary work on the internalization of dreams, animism, including the attribution of consciousness, and articialism, including the means by which children perceive the origins of their
world and make meaning from that perception. Annotation 穢2008 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (