Explore the British countryside with the experts—no organization is better suited to such a tour than the National Trust, the custodians of some of the most beautiful stretches of land and
coastline. First, this book covers cultural life and the changing British landscape, including key ancient monuments; wildlife, covering past and present flora and fauna—with features on
how to identify key native species; and conservation. Next, all the regions of Britain are covered—South West, South, South East, London, East of England, Central England, North East, North
West, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Each region will have an overview of its particular countryside and its development, plus recommended walks, photostories of particular sites through the
seasons, and how to "read" the countryside features. From the thousand-year-old limbs of the yew trees near Crom Old Castle, Northern Ireland to the lake of bluebells on the Isle of Wight,
this is a dazzling celebration of the land. Stunning photography comes not only from the National Trust but a range of top photographers, including Joe Cornish of Working
the Light and David Noton of Waiting for the Light.