This book was written for anyone who has considered working in the field of private investigation and decided that it would be ideal for them. How to Open & Operate a Financially Successful
Private Investigation Business will teach you everything you need to know about the profession, starting with the basics of what you can expect and which preconceptions are just Hollywood
fancy. You will discern the key differences between a private investigator and a police officer and why those who want to be the latter should consider all their options before getting into
private work. You will learn how to choose a niche of investigation and how to think critically. You will pick up tips on how to investigate a case and perform all of your necessary functions
Understand how to hire and keep a qualified professional staff, meet IRS requirements, manage and train employees, generate high-profile public relations and publicity, and implement low-cost
internal marketing ideas. You will learn how to build your business by using low- and no-cost ways to satisfy customers, as well as methods to increase sales and have customers refer others to
you. This book imparts thousands of insider tips and useful guidelines, including case studies of real world successful private investigation businesses.
Discover how to hire contractors and attract clients. Determine which licenses, liability insurance, contracts, and forms you will need, such as privacy agreements. You will find out what tools
you need, including the right camera and lenses. Employ modern computer equipment to accent your investigations and use the internet to search through public records, private databases, and
courthouse records to speed up the process. Learn how to perform background investigations, interviews, and surveillance and the basics of each type of investigation.
Learn how to draw up a winning business plan using the companion CD-ROM with an actual business plan you can use in Microsoft Word™. Familiarize yourself with basic cost control systems,
copyright and trademark issues, branding, management, legal concerns, sales and marketing techniques, and pricing formulas.