With the economy in a nosedive, more women than ever are looking for ways to achieve haute couture without the hefty price tag. 50 Style Lessons Learned the Hard Way shows how.
Author Winona Dimeo-Ediger mixes self-deprecating wit, fashion smarts, and bargain-bin savvy to help women become divas on a dime. She divides the book into 12 handy chapters covering
everything from shopping for jeans (while retaining one-third of one's self-esteem and half of one's paycheck) to hiding love handles to the ever-elusive "looking good while jogging." 50
Style Lessons also contains hilarious and useful charts, graphs, and math equations, including Maslow's Hierarchy of Jeans, the handy Clip-out Guide to Wine and Hosiery, and the
little-known Law of Calculus (the likelihood of a man noticing your outfit is inversely related to how much you want a man to notice your outfit).