You can’t really go wrong in Western Europe. Every country has its own personality and its own trademarks—any beer hall you go to in Munich will probably be amazing and any ruins you visit in
Rome will probably be breathtaking. Let’s Go Western Europe doesn’t need to tell you that the desserts are delicious in Austria—but we can tell you where to get the best ones, how much
they’ll cost, and whether to expect a surly or pretentious server. Plus, we do it all with our trademark wit and irreverence, so you’ll never be bored.
Let’s Go Western Europe is ideal for any kind of traveler, whether you’re whipping through London, Barcelona, and Bern in five days or spending a leisurely year abroad. Our extensive,
up-to-date coverage is your resource for la crème de la crème of French cuisine, the most hedonistic islands in Greece, and the best skiing in Switzerland.