Community, Culture and the Makings of Identity: Portuguese-Americans Along the Eastern Seaboard

Community, Culture and the Makings of Identity: Portuguese-Americans Along the Eastern Seaboard
NT $ 1,348


Presented by Holton (Rutgers U.) and Klimt (U. of Massachusetts Dartmouth), 20 chapters explore the Portuguese-American experience through anthropological and sociological lenses, limiting the focus to diasporic experiences in East Coast communities ("in order to extend the ethnographic depth of the collection"). Examples of topics discussed include the construction of class, ethnicity, and nationalism among Portuguese immigrants; folklore performance and transmigration in Portuguese Newark; images of the Virgin in Portuguese art at the Newark Museum; the politics of Diário de Notícias, the Portuguese-language newspaper of New Bedford; Portuguese-Americans and social mobility; the political culture of Portuguese-Americans in southeastern Massachusetts; the role of the school in the maintenance and change of ethnic group affiliation; Portuguese labor activism in southeastern Massachusetts; working class kin networks and family strategies in New England; the interplay of gender, ethnicity, and class in the unionization of an electronics factory; narratives of race and ethnicity in the Cape Verdean diaspora; memories of Africa among Portuguese Retornados in Newark; and issues of race, nationality, and identity in the Cape Verdean community. Published by the Center for Portuguese Studies & Culture, U. of Massachusetts Dartmouth. Annotation ©2010 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (
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