Facebook Marketing for Dummies

Facebook Marketing for Dummies
NT $ 875


  Discover how to leverage the power of the Facebook community to achieve your business marketing goals

  Facebook boasts an extremely devoted user base, with more than 65 billion page visits per month. With Facebook, an organization can market and promote their brand, products, or services via the network's built-in components of profile pages, polls, community building, advertising, word-of-mouth marketing, and business applications. This insightful resource focuses on the strategies, tactics, and techniques necessary to lead your organization into the world of Facebook marketing.

  Packed with vital real-world case studies, the book serves as a must-have guide for the most reliable, responsible, and ethical business and marketing practices with Facebook.

  .A helpful reference that discusses essential strategies, tactics, and techniques for excelling in the world of Facebook marketing
  .Examines setting up a business profile page, hosting an event on Facebook, and tracking your return-on-investment
  .Shares strategies for successful Facebook advertising campaigns
  .Demonstrates how to create widgets and Facebook applications

  Face it: this essential book contains everything you need to know for your foray into Facebook marketing.


Paul Dunay

  Paul Dunay is one of BtoB Magazine's Top Marketers of the Year 2009. His blog and podcasts are available at buzzmarketingfortech.blogspot.com.

Richard Krueger

  Richard Krueger is founder of AboutFaceDigital, a social media marketing agency, and cofounder of Samepoint, LLC, a social media search engine. He has been featured in Forbes magazine and maintains a popular blog on Facebook marketing at www.aboutfacedigital.com/blog.

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