Facsimiles of articles from economics journals published as early as 1945 document the rise of the Jaffe-Feldman-Varga theory that the technological innovation on which many small companies are
founded is due to knowledge that has spilled over from university research. They look at knowledge, knowledge and the firm, endogenous technical change, intra-temporal knowledge spillovers,
knowledge spillovers and new firm formation, theoretical extensions and evidence, and the entrepreneur. Among the topics are entrepreneurship in economic theory, the selection and evolution of
industry, a model of growth through creative destruction, local geographic spillovers between university research and high technology innovations, appropriate rents in the absence of property
rights, penetrating the knowledge filter in Rust Belt economies, and the quality of entrepreneurs. The original page numbers are retained to keep references honest. There is no index.
Annotation 穢2011 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)