The Hound of the Baskervilles
- 作者:Arthur Conan,Doyle,I. N. J. (ILT)/ Edginton,Ian (ADP),Sir/ Culbard
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
- 出版日期:2009-08-06
- 語言:英文
- ISBN10:1402770006
- ISBN13:9781402770005
- 裝訂:24.1 x 15.9 x 1.9 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷
★ 美國、英國亞馬遜網路書店五顆星評價
★ 英國教育部青少年閱讀推薦
★ 英國青少年最受歡迎漫畫小說
After the success of their Illustrated Classics version of The Picture of Dorian Gray, Ian Edginton and I.N.J. Culbard have teamed up again to create a visually compelling graphic novel adaptation of Arthur Conan Doyle’s masterpiece. And the superb writing and beautiful art takes Conan Doyle’s supernatural tale to new heights.
All the elements are here for a thrilling tale: A gnarled walking stick, missing boot, neglected family portrait, convicted killer on the loose, and the ancestral curse of a phantom hound. The great detective himself, Sherlock Holmes—with the help of Dr. Watson has his work cut out for him in a dramatic mystery that will keep readers guessing until the very end.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was born in Edinburgh and studied medicine. He began writing while he waited for his practice to grow and, with 1887’s A Study in Scarlet, created one of the most famous literary characters of all time. He was a volunteer physician in the Boer War and wrote a book on spiritualism.
伊安.艾金頓 (Ian Edginton)
是英國最知名的作家之一,對當今動漫世界深富影響力。在其卓越生涯中,合作的電影公司遍及盧卡斯、派拉蒙、20世紀福斯等。他改編過「星際大戰」「星艦迷航記」「異形」「終極戰士」「魔鬼終結者」,以及H.G. Wells原著的「世界大戰」,由Dark Horse出版。他將自己的事業成就歸功於該領域其他藝術家的協力,最著名的就是與D’Israeli合作的Scarlet Traces,與Steve Yeowell合作的The Red Seas。他曾改編愛倫.坡的《莫爾格街兇殺案》(D’Isreali繪),收錄於SelfMadeHero出版的Nevermore合輯。2007年,他改編的漫畫作品Scarlet Traces: The Great Game榮獲「漫畫界的奧斯卡」Eisner Award提名,入圍「最佳系列」「最佳編著」兩項大獎。
Ian Edginton, one of Britain’s best-known writers, has had a tremendous impact on the world of comics. In his illustrious career he has worked for Lucasfilm, Paramount Pictures, and 20th Century Fox to adapt Star Wars, Star Trek, Alien, Predator and Terminator properties, as well as with the H.G. Wells estate to adapt War of the Worlds for Dark Horse. He owes his success to good collaborations with other artists from the industry, most famously D’Israeli (Scarlet Traces) and Steve Yeowell (The Red Seas). He recently adapted Edgar Allan Poe’s The Murders in the Rue Morgue (illustrated by D’Israeli) for SelfMadeHero’s graphic anthology Nevermore. In 2007, his graphic novel Scarlet Traces: The Great Game was nominated for Best Limited Series and Best Writer at the prestigious Eisner Awards.
I.N.J.寇博 (I.N.J. Culbard)
身兼畫家與作家雙重才藝。2006年在數千名作家競爭中脫穎而出,作品登上Dark Horse(黑馬漫畫公司)出版的合輯《新血》,自此創作常出現於Dark Horse旗下知名的漫畫週刊Judge Dredd與2000 AD。寇博是極受歡迎的動畫導演,執導過許多廣告片,電視節目企劃、短片監製與導演。本書是他第三度以畫家身分創作長篇漫畫,繼《格雷的畫像》《巴斯克維爾獵犬》之後,再度與伊安.艾金頓攜手合作。
I. N. J. Culbard is an artist and writer. In 2006, he surpassed thousands of other writers and had his work published in Dark Horse Comics’ New Recruits anthology. He has also appeared in the Judge Dredd Megazine. Culbard is an acclaimed animation director with considerable experience in directing commercials, developing projects for television, and producing and directing short films. This is his second full-length graphic novel as an artist, having collaborated on The Picture of Dorian Gray with Ian Edginto