Soon after arriving in an old and extraordinary place, Harry discovers Solange, a heartbroken artist who performs as a silent, silver angel awash in Lucite tears. Haunted by his own mysterious
tragedy but determined to woo her, Harry visits Almundo's Store for Living Statues and begins his transformation into the golden "Knight of the Woeful Countenance."
As the two reckon with seers offering answers to insoluble questions, neighbors who take evening strolls with the dearly departed, critics who control more than artistic fare, and shoes
determined to lead their wearers astray, they come to understand the price of survival and what it means to travel along the ray of the star.
Set in a dream-like European city reminiscent of Barcelona, along a boulevard teeming with artists who perform as living statues, comes the story of a man running from his past, a woman
consumed by grief, and the forces that pursue them both. Stylish and dark in the manner of continental cinema, this is a tale where friends are also informers, street theater is the lifeblood
of culture, and refuge can be found in the belly of a yellow, papier mache submarine.