"What am I going to cook for dinner tonight?" It's a common lament for everyone, and the answer too often is something unhealthy, unappealing, or both in the form of expensive take-out. Jaden
Hair comes to the rescue in The Steamy Kitchen Cookbook, a fantastic new cookbook stuffed with dozens upon dozens of foolproof Asian recipes that are quick and easy to do—all in time
for tonight's supper!
Author and food blogger, Jaden Hair (steamykitchen.com) reveals her secret ingredient to create take-out favorite Broccoli Beef, shows you step-by-step in photos how to roll perfect
Vietnamese Spring Rolls, how to make Thai Curry in less time than it takes to drive to a restaurant and teaches how, with only three main ingredients, you can fry up the crowd-favorite
Firecracker Shrimp. With her irresistible sense of humor and accessible style, Jaden will have you running into your kitchen to start cooking!