Barker and Langdridge (psychology, Open U., UK) compile 26 essays in the burgeoning study of non-monogamies. The volume is unique in providing perspectives on different forms of non-monogamous
relationships, including both celebratory and critical perspectives, and is a balanced view of the topic. Contributors working in human sexuality, psychology, women's studies, cultural studies,
sociology, and other fields in the US, Europe, Israel, and Australia discuss boundary setting; representations in literature, non-fiction, and media; forms like non-monogamous gay men,
swinging, polyamory, and with young women; intersections with aspects of sexuality, gender, culture, and ability; polyamorous parents, the experiences of children in such families, and whether
it could be a framework for foster parenting; implications for psychotherapeutic work, self-help literature, and issues of jealousy; and theorizing about commitment and trust, different
cultural contexts, and anarchist perspectives. Annotation 穢2010 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (