We published Friendship Bracelets in 1996. Thirteen years and 2.3 million copies later, it has clearly established itself as a Klutz classic. A best-selling classic, in fact. It's a hard act to
follow — only a fool would even attempt it. So, of course, we couldn’t resist. Introducing Fancy Friendship Bracelets, the original Friendship Bracelet's new best friend. We started with
super-simple instructions for a flock of all-new bracelet designs. We added five different colors of cord and more than 200 sparkling beads. Then we threw in some stylish charms for good
measure. The result is even better than we hoped. Fans of the first book will love this new one. With the how-to know-how of Anne Akers Johnson, the sparkle of beads and charms, and the novelty
of all-new bracelet designs, Fancy Friendship Bracelets compliments the original book without duplicating it. So we’re keeping both books in print. This is the start of a beautiful friendship.