The latest in the ���errifically imaginative���(The Wall Street Journal) Akitada mystery series brings eleventh-century Japan to life
I. J. Parker�'s phenomenal Akitada mystery series has been gaining fans with each new novel. The latest, The Convict�'s Sword, is the most fully realized installment to date, weaving
history, drama, mystery, romance, and adventure into a story of passion and redemption. Lord Sugawara Akitada, the senior secretary in the Ministry of Justice, must find the mysterious killer
of a man condemned to live in exile for a crime he did not commit. Meanwhile, Akitada�'s retainer, Tora, investigates the sudden death of a blind street singer, whose past life is a bigger
mystery than anyone thought. Told in Parker�'s clever, vivid prose, The Convict�'s Sword is a must-read for those who love well-written mysteries in an exotic setting.