A must-have anniversary book for all the fans of the incredibly popular webcomic Penny Arcade—including anecdotes from the creators and commentary from well-known game industry
The Penny Arcade webcomic—a comic for and about gamers—is one of the most popular comics online, receiving roughly two million page views a day.The Penny Arcade Expo attracted 58,000
attendees in 2008. Penny Arcade’s first video game, On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, ranked the third best in all-time launch sales on the Xbox Live Marketplace.
For their first collection with Del Rey, the creators of Penny Arcade, Jerry Holkins and Mike Krahulik, in keeping with their humorous style, are presenting an eleven-and-a-half year
anniversary book. This compilation will include much more material than any of the previously published Penny Arcade books—it will collect all of their favorite online strips, anecdotes
from the creators, and commentary from well-known game industry professionals. The Splendid Magic of Penny Arcade will be an exciting launching point for a new line of Penny
Arcade collections published by Del Rey.