Giving him just enough ropeto tie her up in knots. Theres something wildly enchanting about the columnist who arrives at Ben Cannons golf resort. Hes felt this magnetic pull only once before,
for a bespectacled brunette back in college. That woman was nothing like this platinum blonde from New Yorkconfident, poisedand hitting on him like crazy. Is she really interested in him, or
merely seeking fodder for her Dating Diva column? Just one wrong move from Ben, one more disappointment, and Jillian will finally be able to stop obsessing about her college crush, leave town,
and get on with her life. Except the more rope she gives him to hang himself, the more he ties her up in knots. Every move he makes is the right one, both in bed and out of it. Shaken to her
college-nerd core, Jillian begins to wonder if giving him a taste of love-em-and-leave-em is what she wants after all.