The Joy of Lex: Life with a Service Dog is a light-hearted romp recounting life with Lex, a black lab, trained as a service dog at Canine Companions for Independence. The book offers glimpses
into the lives of Lex and the author at home and as they interact with the outside world. Its vignettes, accompanied by color photographs, describe life with the best service dog in the
world. They reveal how Lex works at tugging off the author's socks, opening a door, turning on a light, picking up the author's dropped mouthstick, and more tasks Lex was trained to perform.
The sonnets reveal the profound love the author has for this wonderful dog. In the introduction, best-selling author Dean Koontz writes, "this collection of sonnets...relishes the beauty of
small moments, and celebrates the grace that waits for us in every moment of the day."