from the author of marseguro���he BATTLE FOR SURVIVAL returns to earth
Marseguro, a water world far from Earth, is home to a colony of humans and the Selkies, a water-dwelling race created from modified human DNA. For seventy years the colony has lived in peace.
Then Earth discovers Marseguro, and a strike force is sent to eradicate this ���bomination.���But Marseguro has created a genetically tailored plague to use against Earth�'s Holy Warriors. With
the enemy defeated, the people of Marseguro feel they are safe. But Chris Keating, the traitor who signaled Marseguro�'s location to the Holy Warriors, has fled to Earth, unknowingly carrying
the deadly plague within him. The people of Marseguro feel they must send a ship to Earth with a life-saving vaccine. Only time will tell what awaits them when they reach their destination.