Search Nearly 3,000 Plays! Find the perfect production for any purpose, with entries on nearly 3,000 plays published individually or in collections between 2003 and 2007. Turn to this all-new
volume for listings of all kinds of plays written in or translated into English, from classic drama to radio and television plays to puppet performances. Who Will Use Play Index? Teachers,
students, drama coaches, theater groups, directors, performers, playwrights, and researchers will find Play Index a valuable tool. Find Plays with Ease! Search a convenient single-alphabet
index for authors, title, subjects (sisters, culture conflict, marriage, Christmas); styles (symbolism, experimental theater, expressionism); genre (comedy, melodrama, satire, musical); and
places (California, Japan, Paris, Western U.S.) Find Plays to Match Your Production Resources Play Index's Cast Analysis Index helps you locate plays specifically by type of cast (male, female,
mixed, etc.) number of players and extras (for example, 6 characters and extras: 5 men, 1 woman, and extras). Notes in this feature indicate the number of sets, as well as exterior or interior
scenes. Find Bibliographic Information For plays published separately, entries list the publisher, date, pagination, ISBN, and LC number. For plays in collections, entries in the List of
Collections note the collection in which the play appears and provides full publication information. Find the Perfect Script for Your Resources Entries provide: * Descriptive annotation that
summarizes the plot or dramatic action * Number of acts and scenes * Size of cast * Gender of cast members * Number of sets * Dancing or music requirements * Symbols identify plays suitable for
children and young people