A durable, long-lasting reference for both English-speakers learning Chinese and Chinese-speakers learning English, this new Oxford Chinese Desk Dictionary offers authoritative,
up-to-the-minute coverage, with over 90,000 words and phrases, and 130,000 translations in a sturdy hardcover edition. Plus it comes with a CD that includes many special features not possible
with the print edition.
The Dictionary's clear layout makes it accessible and straightforward to use, and a detailed index system of radicals helps you find the entry you need quickly and easily. Chinese simplified
characters, orthodox characters, and pinyin forms are given for each. Putonghua tones are included. The Dictionary has also been updated to include the very latest vocabulary, including
bioterrorism, e-shopping, domain name, and SARS.
The CD-ROM offers a lightening-fast reference tool, eliminating the multi-stage look-up process in the print dictionary. The CD also offers character recognition and audio pronunciations for
22,000 single-characters. Taken together, this dual package offers up-to-date and authoritative coverage of the Chinese language.