Color Planning for Interiors: An Integrated Approach to Color in Designed Spaces
- 作者:Margaret,Ph.D.,Portillo
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
- 出版日期:2009-03-23
- 語言:英文
- ISBN10:0470135425
- ISBN13:9780470135426
- 裝訂:平裝 / 18.4 x 22.9 x 1.3 cm / 普通級
Evidence-based approach to color planning lets you discover the impact of color on people and space.
You'll learn to systematically develop innovative, holistic color solutions in interior design with this book's evidence-based approach to color planning. The author sets forth a color planning framework that integrates multiple criteria, enabling you to fully consider the complex role that color plays in interior design.
Color Planning for Interiors is based on the findings from a national study that the author conducted, which identified five categories of color criteria:
Color as Composition
Color Preferences
Color as Communication
Color Pragmatics
Color for Engagement
The author interviewed noted designers and colorists about the projects that best represented their approach to color. As a result, you'll discover how leaders in the field examine color from compositional, symbolic, behavioral, preferential, and pragmatic perspectives in order to arrive at a carefully considered solution. Moreover, you'll see how designers and architects apply this knowledge to a broad range of interior spaces, including workplaces, restaurants, retail settings, healthcare facilities, and private residences.
Complementing theory and research, real-life examples are presented from interior design projects that consider color in relation to light, materiality, and interior architecture. In addition, full-color diagrams, photographs, and design renderings illustrate concepts throughout the book to help you understand how to select and work with color.
From the fundamental principles of color theory to innovative applications, all aspects of designing interiors with color are examined, making this book ideal for all professionals and students in interior design who want to develop the full potential of their color palettes.