Of interest to horticulturalists as well as any avid gardener, this book chronicles the travels to remote and exotic areas of its author (the founder of Heronswood Nursery in Washington State)
in search of plants. The armchair traveler will relish the quotes from his travel journal which introduce each chapter; the horticulturalist and gardener will be caught up in the main text,
which describes the origins and hybrids of an array of perennials, including Azara, Buddleja, Clethra, Daphne, Illicium, Itea, and Sassafras. Hinckley's passion and knowledge are evident in his
writing, as he describes the history of a plant's discovery and propagation, his experiences traveling to see them in their native habitat, and growing them in his gardens. The plants are
described in detail, including the various species, with notes on hardiness, cultivation, and propagation. As is usual for this press, the volume is beautifully produced, and filled with color
plates. Annotation 穢2009 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)