The rate of technological development today is exploding. Such diverse technologies as computing, communications, genetics, biology, and nanotechnology are rapidly pushing humanity to a new
singularity, a point at which all the rules change and everything we assume about what it means to be human may no longer apply. Leading science fiction writers such as Wil McCarthy, Esther
Friesner, James P. Hogan, Hugo-winner David D. Levine, Dave Freer, Wen Spencer, Mark L. Van Name, and others explore this strangest of new frontiers. From a criminal given a last chance at life
in a very new kind of existence to a man struggling to claim his own humanity, from battles in the depths of very strange spaces to an amazing new version of keeping up with the Joneses, the
stories in Transhuman take you where no human has gone before--but where many of us might one day go.