* Integrates economic and political factors underlying exchange rate determination.
* Uses the balance-of-payments framework to assess economic links among nations.
* Presents a comprehensive discussion of the foreign exchange market.
* Discusses the key parity conditions in international finance that relate interest rates, exchange rates, and inflation rates, and the underlying arbitrage considerations that determine
them-along with numerous real-world applications.
* Presents distinctions between real and nominal exchange rates and between accounting and economic exposure and their significance for exchange risk management.
* Provides a comprehensive discussion of the mechanisms multinational firms use to manage interaffiliate fund flows on a global basis.
* Presents the underpinnings of financial markets and the implications for international capital flows.
* Presents specialized financing and risk management techniques.
* Discusses the assessment of the cost of capital for foreign investments.
* Discusses the nature and consequences of international portfolio investment, including emerging market investments.
* Presents the development of global strategies of multinational corporations.
* Provides the means for analyzing foreign investments.
* Covers political risk measurement and management.
* Includes a number of distinctive pedagogical features including real-world examples, vignettes, illustrations, and hundreds of realistic end-of-chapter questions and problems.