Voil?! is a user-friendly introductory program that allows students to communicate meaningfully in French while encouraging them to interact with and respond to French and francophone cultures
and literatures. Renowned for its balance and integration of language learning and culture, Voil?! continues to emphasize skills acquisition through progressive vocabulary and grammar
activities, integrated culture, authentic spoken French, and literature?a method you can rely on to give your students an ideal first course in the language and culture. The book's chapters are
divided into manageable units that can be easily adjusted to fit any instruction schedule. Whether you are a novice instructor or an experienced veteran, you'll find that Voil?! offers a great
variety of options for meeting every instructor's needs. VOIL?! is supported by abundant instructor and student resources, including the iLrn?: Heinle Learning Center, an all-in-one online
diagnostsic, tutorial, assessment, homework, and course management system that saves you time and saves your students money, and Heinle iRadio, .mp3-ready grammar and pronunciation tutorials
that support student learning.