Rebecca A. Brown has compiled a remarkable compendium of authoritative essays on the Connecticut River, touching on everything from its physical landscape and natural environment, to the human
history, and culture that has grown up around it. This indispensable volume is the product of a remarkable partnership and years of collaboration between the Connecticut River Joint
Commissions, Dartmouth College, and Northern Cartographic. Dozens of scholars, scientists, and other experts--all recognized as top authorities in their respective fields--were commissioned to
prepare contributions related to their areas of expertise.
This atlas underscores connectivity. Just as natural communities are integrated systems, so, too, are the communities of their human counterparts. The inherent ties between these natural and
human worlds cannot be underestimated. This extraordinary volume succeeds brilliantly in portraying the interconnections -- characterizing and analyzing the relationships between these realms
and challenging the reader to ponder what the future holds for them. An astounding feat of scholarship and organization, Where the Great River Rises speaks eloquently to the keen senses of
history, place, and environmental awareness in the Upper Connecticut River Valley as it educates and entertains.