Simple Things Bring Joy is a collection of 170 sonnets written by Faith Selby Schultze over the past 18 years of her life. These sonnets range in topic from the joy of love and the beauty of
nature to the harsh lessons learned throughout life and the pain from lost love.Simple things appear in her writing, showing that a delicate butterfly, slow moving turtle, or single red rose
can symbolize joy, happiness, or pain. There are also many love sonnets in this book about marriage and the joys of raising children.Although most of the sonnets in this book are cheerful, some
discuss more serious topics, such as discrimination, disabilities, and religious intolerance. One sonnet in this book is about September 11th and another was written about the aftermath of
Hurricane Katrina.Faith Selby Schultze currently lives in Charlotte, North Carolina with her husband and 2 children. Although her sonnets have been published in various literary magazines
through the years, this is her first full length book.