
Even the most gifted college-bound students who take the ACT college entrance test aren�'t expected to achieve the perfect composite score of 36--but those who come close are virtually guaranteed acceptance to the nation�'s finest, most academically challenging colleges. This brand-new test prep manual picks up where ordinary manuals leave off. The expert team of authors presents special advice and suggests innovative strategies directed at academic achievers, showing students how to tackle the ACT�'s most difficult questions, come up with winning answers, and get an exceptionally high test score. In addition to detailed advice on test-taking strategies, this book presents hundreds of difficult and tricky practice questions with tips on interpreting them correctly and finding the correct answers. The practice questions are similar in format to those found on the actual test, and all ACT test topics are covered: English, mathematics, reading, science, and the optional Writing Test, which requires a brief essay.
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