HALF and HALF books (1/2 Fiction-1/2 Non-Fiction) present a great fiction story, followed by non-fiction content that relates to the story. A perfect bridge for readers to cross from story to
facts! STORY: Rescued by a Dolphin - A storm rages at sea and a young boy sees a small raft being tossed through the waves. On the raft is a young girl and circling the raft is a huge shark,
just waiting for a wave to knock the girl into the sea. Unable to help, the boy watches as the shark begins to attack the raft. Suddenly, a dolphin strikes the shark-and what happens next is
nothing short of amazing! FACTS: Sharks, Dolphins and More! - Did you know there is a whale with a long twisted horn like a unicorn? Did you know there are crocodiles that swim in the ocean?
This book is loaded with exciting information! You'll learn about animals of the ocean that are endangered- and some of the things that are being done to help protect them. Plus, find out how
killer whales catch seals, how dolphins sleep, and much more!