This publication contains 61 papers presented at the Third International Conference on Safety and Security Engineering, held in Rome, Italy, in July 2009. Guarascio (U. of Rome "La Sapienza")
et al. compile papers that cover the theoretical and practical aspects of the field, and the areas of infrastructure protection, risk analysis, assessment and management, public safety and
security, homeland security, surveillance systems, injury prevention, safety culture, emergency and disaster management, modeling and theoretical studies, earthquakes, transportation problems,
geotechnical problems, and railway safety. A sampling of specific topics: fire prevention and protection in civil buildings, carbon dioxide storage risk assessment, an assessment of Lithuanian
power supply, a model for bioterrorism preparedness, construction safety management accidents, modeling highway safety, and earthquake damage detection. Paper authors work in engineering,
safety, security, technology, and other fields, around the world. The US office of WIT Press is Computational Mechanics. Annotation 穢2009 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (