Imagine this: On her deathbed, your mother confesses to an unthinkable crime. Thirty years before, she stole you from a New York City supermarket. She is not your mother. You are somebody's
baby, but not hers.This is Snow Devane's story. At thirty-one, she is a successful child portrait photographer living in Manhattan. Her life is everything she wants it to be. And she has
managed to establish some distance from the mother she loves but who would, given the opportunity, smother her with caring concern.Her mother's deathbed confession upends Snow's entire life.
Who was this woman Snow thought she knew? What drove her to steal another woman's child? What happened to the woman who, thirty years before, turned around to find her baby gone? And, finally,
who is Snow Devane? As we travel with Snow on a course strewn with endless obstacles in her search to learn her true identity and that of the woman she knew as her mother, Somebody's Baby takes
you to the heart of the issue central to every one of us: the matter of our identity.