Out of Now: The Lifeworks of Tehching Hsieh

Out of Now: The Lifeworks of Tehching Hsieh
NT $ 1,748



─ Hans-Ulrich Obrist

  一整年與藝術家蒙塔諾(Linda Montano)近身束縛在一起卻不相觸碰

  1970年代晚期與1980年代早期,曼哈頓下城區生氣蓬勃的藝術場景中,台美藝術家謝德慶(Tehching Hsieh)創造了一系列罕見的藝術作品。謝德慶執行了五件不同的一年期行為表演,這些作品運用的身體難度歷經極端時延,將藝術與生活作為同時過程的絕對概念,均屬史無前例。

  在這些展開的系列計畫中,謝德慶從一年的孤獨禁閉、無任何交流溝通,到持續一年每個小時準點時在他工作室的工人打卡鐘上打卡,到一整年在沒有庇護遮罩的街頭上生活,到一整年與藝術家琳達.蒙塔諾(Linda Montano)近身束縛在一起卻不相碰觸,以及最後,一整年不參與任何藝術活動與相關影響。1986年,謝德慶宣告他要花十三年來創作藝術,但不公開展示。這件最後的生命作品——自我肯認與自我抹消的龐大行為——在千禧年的轉折點宣告結束。

  對許多人來說,謝德慶是他們崇拜的人物。其藝術的嚴格與奉獻精神激發熱情,同時,其行為表演的難以捉摸與史詩般特質也引人深思、蔚為神話。經過了多年近乎隱遁的狀態,謝德慶現在與身為作家和策展人的亞德里安.希斯菲爾德(Adrian Heathfield)合作創作了這一冊細緻而令人注目的全紀錄,收錄了1978至1999年他的所有藝術作品。

  《現在之外》也是對於這些特異作品首見的全面批評。希斯菲爾德機敏的沈思,輔以與這位藝術家的密集交流對話,以及來自最優秀的藝術理論家佩姬.菲蘭(Peggy Phelan)與卡蘿.貝克(Carol Becker),和廣受讚許的藝術家瑪瑞娜.阿布拉莫維琪(Marina Abramovic)、桑提亞哥.席耶拉(Santiago Sierra)、提姆.艾切爾斯(Tim Etchells)的一系列信件。中文版亦收錄台灣藝術理論家龔卓軍(Jow Jiun Gong)的專文。


  亞德里安.希斯菲爾德是行為表演與視覺藝術的作家與策展人,以及倫敦羅伊漢普頓大學(Roehampton University)行為表演與視覺文化教授。

  In the vibrant downtown Manhattan art scene of the late 1970s and early 1980s, the Taiwanese-American artist Tehching Hsieh made a series of extraordinary performance art works. Between September 1978 and July 1986, Hsieh realized five separate one-year-long performance pieces in which he conformed to simple but highly restrictive rules throughout each entire year. Through the course of these lifeworks, Hsieh moved from a year of solitary confinement in a sealed cell to a year in which he punched a worker's time clock in his studio every hour on the hour to a year spent living without shelter in Manhattan to a year in which he was tied by an eight-foot rope to the artist Linda Montano and finally to a year of total abstention from all art activities and influences. These works were unparalleled in terms of their use of physical difficulty over extreme durations and in their absolute conception and enactment of art and life as simultaneous processes. In 1986 Hsieh announced that he would spend the next thirteen years making art but not showing it publicly. When this "final" lifework--an immense act of self-affirmation and self-erasure--came to a close at the turn of the Millennium, he tersely and enigmatically said that during this time he had simply kept himself alive. For many contemporary artists Hsieh is something of a cult figure. After years of near-invisibility, Hsieh has now collaborated with the British writer and curator Adrian Heathfield to create this meticulous and visually arresting documentary record of a contemporary artist's work- -- in this case, the complete body of Tehching Hsieh's performance projects from 1978 to 2000. Not only is this the first extensive critical account of these unusual works, it is also the first to discuss their significance for art history, visual and cultural studies, and the practice of performance.



謝德慶(Tehching Hsieh)

  1950 年生於台灣南州鄉。父親謝情,是一位地方鄉紳、無神論者,母親謝洪素瓊,是虔誠的基督徒。謝德慶在1967年從高中輟學,開始學習繪畫。服完義務兵役(1970-1973)之後,他在台灣的美國新聞處畫廊舉辦了第一次個展,之後停止繪畫。他做了第一件行為表演「跳」,並摔碎了雙踝。後來他受訓成為海員,循此途徑進入了美國。1974 年7 月,謝德慶抵達費城特拉華河附近一個小鎮的港口。他在美國當了十四年非法移民,直到1988 年受到大赦。從1970年代末期開始,謝德慶在他位於紐約的工作室內外,創作了五件「一年行為表演」和一個「十三年計畫」,在其中他運用長時延,讓藝術與生活同步。早先的四件一年行為表演,讓他成為紐約藝術圈一個常見的名號;後來的兩件作品,有意自藝術世界隱退,設定了一個持續不可見的基調。自新的千禧年以來,免除了十三年不展示作品的限制,他在北美洲、南美洲、亞洲與歐洲展覽作品及出席講座。他的作品由紐約西恩.凱利畫廊(Sean Kelly Gallery, New York)代理。謝德慶和他的妻子,李芹芹,現居紐約布魯克林。

  Tehching Hsieh is an artist based in New York City.

亞德里安.希斯菲爾德(Adrian Heathfield)

  作家與策展人。他寫了許多討論當代行為表演、藝術、戲劇與舞蹈的文章。他編輯了《現場:藝術與行為表演》(Live: Art and Performance. Tate Publishing and Routledge, 2004);《小行動》(Small Acts. Black Dog Publication, 2000);《碎片解剖:行為表演中的身體蹤跡》(Shattered Anatomies: Traces of the Body in Performance. Arnolfini Live, 1997)。他策展過許多行為藝術表演的事件,是2003 年倫敦泰德現代美術館(Tate Modern)的展覽「現場文化」(Live Culture)的協同策展人,也是與其他作家與藝術家系列對話行為表演的共同作者。他經常在國際性的行為表演工作坊進行演講與教學,目前於倫敦羅伊漢普頓大學(Roehampton University)擔任行為表演與視覺文化部門的教授。

  Adrian Heathfield is Professor of Performance and Visual Culture at Roehampton University, London. He is the editor of Live: Art and Performance, Small Acts, and Shattered Anatomies. Tehching Hsieh is an artist based in New York City.

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