Body Texts in the Novels of Anglea Carter: Writing from a Corporeagraphic Point of View

Body Texts in the Novels of Anglea Carter: Writing from a Corporeagraphic Point of View
NT $ 6,748


This study fills a major gap of Carter's reception and enters into dialogue with current post-semiotical theories of the embodied subject by virtue of focusing on the dynamics of the meaning-in-process concomitant with the subject-in-process (Kristeva 1985) and the body-in-process. Through a corporeal narratological method-a close-reading interfacing of semioticized bodies in the text and of the somatized text on the body--I decipher how the ideologically disciplined, normativized-neutralized cultural body and its repressed yet haunting transgressive, corporeal, material reality are de composed by the Carterian fiction's destabilizing discursive subversions and vibrations surfacing in narrative blind-spots, overwriting, textual ruptures or rhetorical manoeuvres.
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