A kindly white snake spirit, disguised as a beautiful human girl, falls in love with a mortal man. As their happy life together begins, an evil-minded monk tries to separate them and traps
the white snake under a pagoda. Can the white snake ever free herself and get back together with her husband and son?This story belongs to the Golden Peach Chinese Culture Readers * Legends
and Folktales series, which collects and retells the most treasured, timeless Chinese myths, legends, fairytales and folktales that have captured hearts and imaginations for over a thousand
years. The story is retold in English for general readers interested in Asian culture and literature, catered specifically to a multicultural audience. Chinese text in the bottom of pages
will be a great supplement for readers who can read Chinese or wish to learn more of the language. As the Chinese Culture Readers series is loosely leveled for different age groups based on
their abilities to understand the culture and history, this story targets mostly preteen to teenage readers.Additionally, detailed notes on Chinese culture in the back will help enhance
readers’ understanding of the stories as well as of their historical and social backgrounds, while full color illustrations highlight some important scenes.