This study explores the narrative art of Spanish writer Carlos Rojas (Barcelona 1928-)based on the analysis of his mature fictional works, or the Trilogies written between 1978 and 1995. The
motif that structures the analysis is expressed in the phrase, "The Dream of Reason and the Nightmare of History," or from Goya's Dream of Reason to James Joyce's Nightmare of History. Reason
is necessary to confront madness (the monsters that the dream or the abandonment of reason produces); but an excess of reason, that is, ignoring the world's irrationality, likewise constitutes
a blindness, another type of dream, one that leads to the rationalist monster. Rojas humanizes the monster and his tormented characters are called to awake from the nightmare of their personal
and collective nightmare. The study dismantles Rojas multiple-layered text espousing his art of fabulation.