Part foreign affairs discourse, part humor, and part twisted self-help guide, The Geography of Bliss takes the listener from America to Iceland to India in search of happiness, or, in the crabby author's case, moments of "un-unhappiness." The book uses a beguiling mixture of travel, psychology, science and humor to investigate not what happiness is, but where it is. Are people in Switzerland happier because it is the most democratic country in the world? Do citizens of Qatar, awash in petrodollars, find joy in all that cash? Is the King of Bhutan a visionary for his initiative to calculate Gross National Happiness? Why is Asheville, North Carolina so damn happy? With engaging wit and surprising insights, Eric Weiner answers those questions and many others, offering travelers of all moods some interesting new ideas for sunnier destinations and dispositions.
艾瑞克.魏納(Eric Weiner)
擔任美國全國公共廣播電台海外特派員達十年之久,曾留駐新德里、耶路撒冷和東京,報導過三十多國的新聞。他也曾擔任該公司駐紐約和邁阿密特派員,目前則派駐華盛頓特區。魏納曾任《紐約時報》記者,與史丹佛大學的奈特新聞學者(Knight Journalism Fellow)。他的評論文章散見《洛杉磯時報》、網路雜誌《岩頁》(Slates)和《新共和雜誌》(The New Republic)等刊物。探訪過全世界後,他定居華府,好像挺快樂的,時間不是花在客廳,就是廚房。
Eric Weiner, an award-winning foreign correspondent for NPR and a former reporter for the New York Times, has written stories from more than three dozen countries, including Iraq,
Afghanistan, and Indonesia. His commentary has appeared in The New Republic, The International Herald Tribune, and The Los Angeles Times, and he writes the popular "How They Do It" column for
Slate. He has lived in New Delhi, Jerusalem and Tokyo.