Stagecraft Fundamentals is the only book that tackles every aspect of theatre production. The history of stagecraft, safety precautions, lighting, costumes, scenery, career planning tips, and
more are discussed with modern, color examples that display both step-by-step procedures and the finished product. From the student beginning in theatre to the practiced, Rita Kogler Carver
assembles her vast experience into a one-stop guide for theatrical production. Instructor's manual, additional exercises that coincide with chapters from the book, CAD drawings, color theory,
manufacturing information, and other resources can be found at
*Written by an Emmy Award-winning, respected designer
*The most comprehensive and up-to-date book on Theatrical Production in existence
*Full color, artistic, and gorgeous!
*Supporting website includes additional exercises, CAD drawing information, color theory information, and much more
*Accompanying Instructor's Manual