Robin Hood in Outlaw/Ed Spaces: Media, Performance, and Other New Directions
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Horace Between Freedom and Slavery: The First Book of Epistles
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Why Are There Differences in the Gospels?: What We Can Learn from Ancient Biography
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Euthyphro / Apology / Crito / Phaedo
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Cults and Conspiracies: A Literary History
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Epic, Novel and the Progress of Antiquity
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Mosaics of Time Volume, the Latin Chronicle Traditions from the First Century Bc to the Sixth Century Ad
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Renaissance Humanists on the Crusade Against the Turks
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On Human Bondage: After Slavery and Social Death
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Our Mythical Childhood: The Classics and Literature for Children and Young Adults
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Akkadian Love Literature of the Third and Second Millennium BCE
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Aristoteles, De Motu Animalium: Ein Neues Bild Der Überlieferung Und Ein Neuer Text
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Yearbook of Ancient Greek Epic
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Mosaics of Time, the Latin Chronicle Traditions Form the First Century Bc to the Sixth Century
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Myth and Philosophy in Platonic Dialogues
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The Poetics of Late Latin Literature
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Voice and Voices in Antiquity: Orality and Literacy in the Ancient World
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Neopoetics: The Evolution of the Literate Imagination
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Ammianus Marcellinus: An Annotated Bibliography 1474 to the Present
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