This is the latest volume in No Starch Press line of LEGO-related titles and a follow-on to our best-selling The LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT Idea Book. Volume 2 in this series dives headfirst into the
creative thrill of robot-building. Eight authors contribute thorough, easy-to-follow steps for assembling everything from a Grabbot (a robot that can find and move objects autonomously); a
Self-Parking Car (a robotic vehicle that can park itself between two objects); an M&M sorter; a Punchbot (reminiscent of the old computer punchcards); a Candy Picker (with a built-in
generator and a remote control); and a robotic Hand. This is a great follow-on to the many readers who already love The LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT Idea Book, and a great book for those who just want
to do some building.