Life Everlasting: National Museum’s Scotland Collection of Ancient Egyptian Coffins

Life Everlasting: National Museum’s Scotland Collection of Ancient Egyptian Coffins
NT $ 1,048


It is my earnest desire to add to our museum such a series of Egyptian antiquities as will form a fair comparative representation of the extraordinary people who lay so near the primary foundations of civilisation. Alexander Rhind, 1856

National Museums Scotland is home to a world-class collection of ancient Egyptian artefacts. Though a public collection for 150 years, its breadth and depth remains largely unknown. This book aims to bring to public attention the many exceptional funerary items which include the royal burial group from Qurna, the coffin of the priest Iufenamun, and the unusual double-coffin and mummies of the young half-brothers, Petamun and Penhorpabik. In bringing the collection to light, the book provides a wider understanding of its history, including the numerous figures who were responsible for acquiring, researching and preserving it over the years - egyptologists, curators and historians.
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