If you heard a strange noise from the apartment upstairs, would you make an effort to find out what happened? What if something happened, but the victim begged you to leave it alone? What if
there was obvious evidence of violence, but the denials were adamant? Would you forget about it and walk away? What if you were only 17? I'm Cy McEntire. I wouldn't call myself a typical
teenager. I'm only average in the smarts department. Meeting Lizzy was an accident, but one I'd never be able to forget. I was just sitting at home watching Law & Order reruns when I
heard a girl in the apartment upstairs. She was hurt. I was breaking the golden rule of being a successful hermit, but I couldn't help it. If what I thought was happening in that upstairs
apartment was actually happening, I had to find out. I was so sure that I would be wrong that when I wasn't, I had no idea what to do. So I didn't do anything. It was obvious the girl was
being abused, but she adamantly denied anything was wrong. What was I supposed to do? I'm not all-knowing, so I just left. But I couldn't get the girl out of my head.