Contemporary Class Piano

Contemporary Class Piano
NT $ 3,418
  • 作者:ElyseMach
  • 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
  • 出版日期:2008-01-18
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:0195342771
  • ISBN13:9780195342772
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 605頁 / 2.5 x 22.9 x 5.1 cm / 普通級


Highly acclaimed for its creative approach to beginning piano, Contemporary Class Piano presents materials in an engaging manner and in a logical progression of difficulty. Easily accessible to students with no prior music or keyboard experience, the book offers a well-rounded and abundant solo and ensemble repertoire--including classical pieces and folk, jazz, rock, pop, and blues tunes--with ample opportunities for students to improvise, transpose, harmonize, and compose accompaniments.
New to the Enhanced Edition:
* Incorporates thirty-five new reading, repertoire, and ensemble pieces in various styles and levels of difficulty
* Introduces a new "Classic Miniatures" section--featuring excerpts of original keyboard pieces written by master composers--that allows students to enjoy and play a broad mix of representative classical pieces early on in their keyboard study
* Adds six new melodies at the end of Unit 5 that give students more opportunities to practice interpreting chord symbols and harmonizing folk songs, symphonic themes, and other styles, using a variety of accompaniment patterns
* Each book is packaged with a free CD containing orchestration accompaniments to twenty-eight of the new pieces prepared by composer Jason Nyberg (in both practice and performance tempos) for students to use on their own.
* FREE TO INSTRUCTORS UPON ADOPTION: In addition toa set of four MIDI disks--which are packaged separately from the text and contain approximately 200 orchestration accompaniments prepared by renowned composer Phillip Keveren--a new MIDI disk with accompaniments for twenty-eight of the additional pieces in the enhanced edition has been created by composer James Nyberg for in-class use. These accompaniments motivate students to practice and complete their assignments more readily.
* A teacher's manual with suggested lesson plans and teaching tips for the first semester of study is available at
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