Bradt Kazakhstan

Bradt Kazakhstan
NT $ 945
  • 作者:BrummellPaul
  • 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
  • 出版日期:2008-10-24
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:1841622346
  • ISBN13:9781841622347
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 408頁 / 14 x 22.2 x 1.9 cm / 普通級


Kazakhstan is vast – the ninth-largest country in the world – yet there is relatively little information available in English about the attractions of this remarkable country.  With the Kazakh government seeking to promote the development of tourism, publication of the Bradt guide is timely.
Located between Russia and China, the state of Kazakhstan possesses an incredible diversity of natural beauty; this guide includes arrangements for visiting natural parks and reserves and special features such as singing sand dunes and the Sharyn Canyon - Asia’s equivalent of the Grand Canyon.
Key historical and archaeological sites are also given due prominence, Kazakhstan having been inhabited since the Stone Age.
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