The Complete Aranzi Hour is a massive 252-page, full-color collection of humorous adventures starring the popular Aranzi Aronzo characters from The Cute Book, Cute Dolls,
and Machine Gun series. The Cute Book alone is in its 4th printing, and its success is due in no small part to the Aranzi recipe of combining so-cute-it-hurts Japanese stylings
with irreverent humor.
The Complete Aranzi Hour contains page after page of whimsical, oft-times humorous, but always endearing, short comics, sequential photographed tales, and more. Every reader's favorite
"scary-cute" stars are here, including arguably the most beloved Aranzi character, Sprite, dancing and singing a welcome to readers. The virtues of having strawberries at snack time is
discussed by the Ernie and Bert of the series, White Rabbit and Brown Bunny. Panda meets his technological clone, Mechani-Panda, and later becomes a superhero in another tale. The maestro of
devil-may-care, Bad Guy, and his prevaricating pal, Liar, continue their
Spy vs. Spy shenanigans, Ping-Ponging and besting one another in schemes throughout. Even Santa Claus and his reindeer--as drawn in the inimitable Aranzi fashion--make a couple of
There is an art gallery, featuring readers' works, on which the characters comment. And the cast is interviewed with fan questions,such as What do you want to be when you grow up? and
What is your favorite food? There are even a handful of puzzles and activities, including a game with game board, a maze, singsongs, a "Spot the difference" challenge, and a test to
determine the same two pictures amongst a plethora of Mechani Pandas.