From the Ultimate Fighting Championship's (UFC) meager beginnings to its present-day glory, this in-depth chronology reveals all the information needed to understand the contemporary world of mixed martial arts, where the backroom deal-making is as fierce as the fighting. Between the UFC's controversial president, Dana White, the political persecution that the sport has suffered from politicians like John McCain, and the tumultuous careers of its greatest stars, mixed martial arts (MMA) competition has garnered more than its fair share of the spotlight in recent years. This thorough history provides fans with the whole story behind the Ultimate Fighting Championship, including profiles of MMA's greatest stars such as Ken Shamrock; the immense popularity of mixed martial arts events in Japan; the influence of the Fertitta family, whose Las Vegas connections opened the door for the UFC to succeed; and, finally, Spike TV’s role in making mixed martial arts a national obsession.
Fighting the Pain Resistant Attacker: Fighting Drunks, Dopers, the Deranged and Others Who Tolerate Pain
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The Art of Defence on Foot With Broad Sword and Saber
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Power in Practice: The Pragmatic Anthropology of Afro-Brazilian Capoeira
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The Lost Samurai School: Secrets of Mubyoshi Ryu
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Mythologies of Martial Arts
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Book of Six Rings: Secrets of the Spiritual Warrior: Life Lessons and Intuitive Development Inspired by the Masters of Budo
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Aikido Weapons Techniques: The Wooden Sword, Stick and Knife of Aikido
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Soul of the Samurai: Modern Translations of Three Classic Works of Zen & Bushido
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Sumo for Mixed Martial Arts: Winning Clinches, Takedowns, and Tactics
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Krav Maga: How to Defend Yourself Against Physical Attack, Volume One
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The Sinister Mind
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Jeet Kune Do Basics
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Mythologies of Martial Arts
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The Laws of Success: A Spiritual Guide to Turning Your Hopes into Reality
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Hapkido, Korean Art of Self-Defense
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How Not to Get Hit: The Art of Fighting Without Fighting, Staying Safe in a Violent World
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Guns & Ammo Guide to Concealed Carry: A Comprehensive Guide to Carrying a Personal Defense Firearm
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Bruce Lee: The Celebrated Life of the Golden Dragon