Peter Pan
- 作者:Robert,Sabuda
- 出版社:Little Simon
- 出版日期:2008-11-04
- 語言:英文
- ISBN10:0689853645
- ISBN13:9780689853647
- 裝訂:精裝 / 22.2 x 26 x 5.1 cm / 普通級
"著名的紙雕立體書作者Robert Sabuda這回讓拒絕長大、熱愛冒險的小飛俠彼得潘自在愜意地在紙間飛翔,與Tinkerbell、Wendy、虎克船長和鱷魚等原著班底一起引領大家到夢想中的永無島上遊歷。
書中每頁展開的主要立體場景細緻動人,上下層次分明,讓人驚歎繪製者的細心與深厚功力。此外,作者善加利用了邊欄的摺頁,在其中安插許多意想不到的巧思,與右側3D圖像主副搭配,合作無間,絕對能帶給讀者充滿驚喜與驚奇的快樂閱讀時光! (文/博客來編譯)"
Readers will delight in this retelling of the classic story of Neverland, pirates, and flying. Robert Sabuda's elegant text and paper engineering give new life to favorite charcters like Tinkerbell, Wendy, Michael, and John, and, of course, Peter Pan. Sabuda's beautiful pop-ups are further complemented by full color illustrations that pull readers even deeper into the magical world that is Neverland.
Robert Sabuda is the co-creator of the Encyclopedia Prehistorica and Encyclopedia Mythologica books. He is also the creator of many other best-selling pop-up books, including America the Beautiful, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, and The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. He lives in New York City.